Friday, June 19, 2009

Sunday June 14, 2009

Sunday morning I attended a 6:30 a.m. Latin Mass at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. This was my first experience with mass and what better place to attend than here. After growing up in Idaho where my only real exposure to other faiths was attending one Luteran church service with a friend during high school, I feel like I have been submerged in a pool of differing beliefs and practices. I have loved learning about the domonite religions of this area and have a new appreciation and understanding for people.

Every Sunday night the BYU-Jerusalem Center hosts a concert that is free for the community to enjoy. The center draws in some of the best musicians in Israel. This past Sunday night the Israeli Stage Orchestra performed. It was a wonderful performance and the audience didn't want them to stop. It is wonderful to have the opportunity to gather with members of the community to enjoy beautiful music. I sat next to a man who told me that he comes almost every week. The BYU-Jerusalem Center is doing wonderful things and I love being a part of it.

1 comment:

Joelle said...

Heather, I am so glad that you were able to attend Mass at the Holy Seplechur. There is a reverence, a respect and a oneness that we feel for all men that believe in God. MOM