Saturday, May 17, 2008

Weekend Activities
HIKING: This weekend has been full of fun. I am really enjoying being in Provo and not having to worry about school:) This morning I went hiking to First Falls up by Aspen Grove with Annie (Kristen's sister). We wanted to go to Stewart Falls but the snow kind of prevented that from happening. It was a fun hike and a beautiful day!
SHOOTING: Yesterday afternoon my friend Chase took me to West Jordon to go shooting. This was a new experience for me. I didn't do to bad as long as the target was close! Chase even brought a holster for me to wear:) After shooting we went to his parents house and saw his horses. It was great.


Lindsay said...

Heather! I know Chase! He was in my institute class last semester and is THE nicest kid. I love him! Haha..tell him you know me and that your brother is Brandon!

Garrick, Holly & fam. said...

Heather- sounds like fun. You deserve the break from school.

Katie said...

Fun Hez! I have never done that before. Keep having fun!