It was so fun to go home for memorial day weekend. Too bad that it was freezing cold on Saturday. It is a sad day when you have to wear a stocking hat and three jackets instead of going out on the river in a swimming suit!
Adam was great to come along and help Ben and me with the vet check and probably learned more than he wanted to. However, Adam loves being a new expert on cows and telling everyone we see about what he learned.
One of my favorite moments is when we were driving and Adam saw some cows out in a pasture. Ben taught him all about the different breeds of dairy cows so he asked me what kind of cow the black ones were that he saw. I told him they were Angus and his response was...."oh, yummy!" The only thing missing from his weekend was a steak!
The one thing that Adam really wanted to see was a cow giving birth. Just our luck...(along with the cold weather) the only calf that was born while we were at the dairy happened while we were out helping Ben, so we missed it :( Until next time...
The one thing that Adam really wanted to see was a cow giving birth. Just our luck...(along with the cold weather) the only calf that was born while we were at the dairy happened while we were out helping Ben, so we missed it :( Until next time...