Sunday, April 25, 2010

I know that it has been months since my last post so let me tell you why...I have been getting ready for graduation! And that day finally came so I guess I no longer have an excuse for not blogging. On Friday night after graduation John asked me if I would be helping Brandon and Lindsay move the next morning. I tried to think of some excuse to get out of carrying boxes to the trailer all morning but could think of nothing. Is this what graduation is supposed to feel like?

I have so much to update from this semester but I might as well begin at the end...graduation!

Ever since I was a little girl and had a dream to come to BYU. It never even crossed my mind that there were other universities out there. My dreams came true and I have loved being at BYU and the experiences and associations that I have had here have shape my life.
Brandon and I have grown up doing a lot of things together. Swimming lessons, feeding calves, getting our wisdom teeth out, 4-H, and I am sure much more. I guess things haven't really changed because we graduated together with the same degree. I have always had him there to follow and so it made things pretty easy as I followed him across the stage at graduation. Congrats Brandon!

Krystal (my best friend since kindergarten) made the trip from Boise, ID to come to my graduation! It was so fun to have her there...Thanks Krystal!


Garrick, Holly & fam. said...

Congrats! Great pictures-glad you're blogging again.

John and Caroline said...

I am so happy and proud of you! I can't wait to watch your next adventures !

Erin said...

Congrats Heather! I am so excited you are done!

JD and Ash said...

Congrats! Doesn't it feel so wonderful to be done!!? I didn't know you and Brandon had the same degrees! That is cool!

Alicia said...

Congratulations friend! I miss ya girl! We need to catch up and talk soon!